With twelve years under our belt, Islander Charters provides the longest running kayak mothership trip available in California and quite possibly the country. 2018 is no different as we look forward to these spring time crowd pleasers. We have several trips from 1.5 to 2.5 days in length all targeting San Clemente Island. We’ve partnered with Fish Village and Dana Point Jet Ski and Kayak as well as Fast Lane Sailing to provide kayak access to this remote island. The last several years have been fantastic with excellent catches on both yellowtail and calico bass along with some other stand outs.
For anyone new to kayak fishing, mothership trips are a great introduction. We cater to pros and beginners alike with a full service crew complete with a tender/delivery skiff. Check out the videos on You Tube to see exactly what a trip is like or just come out and see it for yourself. Feel free to give our office a call with any questions!